Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009


opo yo
opo yo


Html bukan bahasa pemrograman akantetapi html bisa digunakan oleh para pemula untuk belajar membangun website.kali ini saya akanberbagi bagimana caranya kita membuat warna latar dari halaman web sesuai dengan keinginan kita melalui html.untuk lebih jelasnya selahkan kalian ketik sintag html seperti di bawah :
<title>belajar html</title>
<body bgcolor="blue">
<p>yang berfungsi untuk mewarnai halaman web adalah sintang bgcolor yang diletakkan di body&lt:/p>

sekian tutorial dari saya,besok disambung lagi dengan tutorial yang

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


one day , there's a couple . they asked to each other 'what do you want to be?'
and the girl answered 'i want to be a flower'

and the boy answered 'i want to be a sun'
the girl is surprised,why does the boy dont want to be a butterfly or beetle

the girl changed her mind , she answered that she want to be a moon
the boy still with his answer , he want to be a sun
the girl confused with the way of thinking of the boy

and the girl change her answer again ,she said he want to be a phoenix that can fly as satisfied as possible in space
the boy dont change his answer 'i want to be a sun'

finally , the girl is gone, because she cant understand with the way of thinking of the boy
actually, the fact is when the girl said that she want to be a flower, the boy want to give a shine to flower so that the flower still can growing up and show its beatifulness, although one day,the flower would always be accompanied by the beetle or butterflies..and the sun still can see the flower happy

and when the girl want to be a moon and its give a beautiful light on the night , that make everyone loves it
but , people never remember sun's merit that willing to give its light to the moon

and when the girl want to be a phoenix that could fly to every place,the boy still want to be a sun that can accompany the phoenix with its warmness
although the sun know that the phoenix will never come back to the sun,

is that reasonable if the boy would still sacrifice his self for the girl?
no, it is not reasonable

but , by the name of love,affection and sincerity.that is very reasonable,and that's logical to struggle along..

I just want to be a sun to shinning her untill my last breath ..